Modern slavery act

We make this statement in line with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and to demonstrate our commitment to taking a robust approach to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Vector Consumer Ltd. distributes a wide range of products.  The Company directly employees c. 15 colleagues, based on one site within the United Kingdom.

Vector Consumer is a sister company to PharmaPac (UK) Ltd. who are members of Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) which assists companies to assess risks in their supply chains.

We recognise our responsibility to ensure we work with suppliers who have ethical processes and policies in place.  We review our suppliers in terms of their Modern Slavery statements/policies.  Those who do not publicise these are asked to complete a Supplier Questionnaire covering the ETI Base Code.


Colleagues are encouraged to raise any concerns they have directly with line management, the Managing Director or HR Department.

In addition, we have a Confidential Reporting & Whistleblowing Policy which encourages colleagues to report concerns regarding unlawful or unethical conduct at work.  Concerns may be reported internally or via a confidential external helpline.


The Modern Slavery Act will be discussed with all Vector Consumer management and colleagues.

The Modern Slavery Act will also be included as part of our induction programme for new colleagues.


This statement has been formally approved by the Managing Director of Vector Consumer (UK) Ltd.